Essential Planner for the Week of October 31st-November 4th, 2022

I belong, I learn. #SHSPride


SHS’ Vision and Mission    
Students will attain their personal best in an English environment:   
Students’ responsibilities – P³: Participation, Perseverance and Patience   
Staff and parents’ responsibilities – C³: Caring, Cooperation and Collaboration


You have until Friday to get the following tests signed: writing assessment (8 sentences), math test on drawing angles, theme 1 math test, reading response “Timmerman Was Here” and peace poster.  


*Make sure to have a protractor and compass for math class.


On Monday 31st:

·       Haunted House (0.50$) 

·       Dance in the gym at lunch time (FREE) 

·       Costume Contest (judged in the gym while entering Haunted House)  

        1 prize per category elementary/secondary for:

·         best group costume

·         scariest costume

·         best home-made costume

·         funniest costume

·         most creative costume

·         best overall costume


Be advised:

Cycle 3 Year 2 compulsory evaluations prescribed by CQSB and MEES, are worth 10% of the final mark. All final exams will follow the schedule dictated by the MEES and begin in April 2023. All students are expected to attend school every day during the exam period in order to be able to demonstrate their understanding and competencies. Absence from exams without proper justification will result in a mark of “0” for the exam missed. A justified absence may be authorized for the following reasons:


• Serious illness or accident confirmed by a medical report or certificate;


• Death of a close relative


In case of important matter, contact me at Emails are easier than phone calls.



Morning Remedial 8:00-8:55

Come for 8:00 sharp so we have a good chunk of time to get things done!


-Period 1

English Language Arts

Haunted House (it’s on me! Happy Halloween!)

-Narrative study

-Hand in your narrative on Friday


-Period 2



Recess: Finish Jacqueline Gareau part 2


-Period 3


Ms. Nanni in

-Application problem

-You will write the term 1 situational problem next week (make your memory aid; maximum 2 pages)


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Halloween dance


-Period 4

Château Bellevue

Adult volunteer needed (contact me)

Make sure to be dressed up!


-Period 5

Château Bellevue


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


TUESDAY, day 7


-Period 1



-Period 2

English Language Arts

-I will read “Eats, Shoots and Leaves

-Narrative (remember to read it out loud for sentence fluency)


Recess: We will leave for Immaculée Conception

Adult volunteer needed


-Period 3

Immaculée Conception


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club


-Period 4


Light experiment


Recess: remedial


-Period 5

Mini-snack: -Group reading

Geography, History and Citizenship Education

Chapter 1 : Life in Quebec Around 1905

Test next week (I will give you the study guide)


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.




-Period 1

-Library visit

English Language Arts

-We will finish the “Frequently Confused Words” handout

-Handout on symbols


-Period 2


Ethics and Religious Culture

-I will read “Faithful Elephants”

-We will discuss your contribution for the ceremony

-Think of your questions for our veterans

-Remembrance Day poster contest

-Read the rules at :

-We will start a unit on religion soon.


Recess : AQJM


-Period 3

Arts (cycle meeting for me)


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Volunteers needed to colour flags (United States, Greece, Morocco, Brazil, Burundi, Tunisia, Algeria, France, Palestine and Philippines)


-Period 4


Ms. Sheri in

-We will listen to a song about angles

-Learn about it: Reducing a Fraction to its Simplest Form

-Work it out (homework): P. A-62 #1 a)-d), #2, P. A-63 #3 a) and c), P. A-64

-Exit ticket: number dictation


Recess: remedial


-Period 5



*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.




-Period 1



-Period 2


-We will correct yesterday’s homework

-We will watch a video about misconception about fractions (A&W)


-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club

Ms. Morasse with us


-Period 4

Horseback riding for some

English Language Arts

Ms. Nanni in

-Last period to work on your narrative


Recess: remedial


-Period 5

Horseback riding for some

Mini-snack: -Group reading


Light (review)


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


FRIDAY, day 1


-Period 1



-Period 2


-Learn about it: Ordering Fractions with the Same Numerator

-Work it Out (homework):  P. A-65

-Short test on graphs and angles

-Exit ticket: prime factor tree


Recess : Detention for missing test signatures


-Period 3


-Prime and composite matching partners

-Handout on fractions

-Triangle cards


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20


-Period 4


Ms. Nanni in

English Language Arts

Reading comprehension test

Hand in your narrative


Recess: remedial


-Period 5


Test on light

Grammar Review

One i look over down the stairwell and notice someone sitting on the bottom step two its katie thr before the word is out i drive my shoulder into brad and shane knocking them backwards both jars tip towards them spilling worms everywhere shane jumps back just in time but not brad he gets soaked in formaldehyde and slime as the glass jars crash around our feet what the hell brad yells looking at me like hes going to hit me he slips on the worms and lands smack on his butt in the middle of them


Egghead P. 137

Essential Planner for the Week of October 24th-28th, 2022

I belong, I learn. #SHSPride


SHS’ Vision and Mission    
Students will attain their personal best in an English environment:   
Students’ responsibilities – P³: Participation, Perseverance and Patience   
Staff and parents’ responsibilities – C³: Caring, Cooperation and Collaboration


You have until Friday to get the following tests signed: math test on angles and writing assessment.


Do you have a Halloween costume? We are going to Château Bellevue on Halloween day! Dress up!

The week before Halloween (October 24th-28th):

  • Colouring contest for all levels (FREE) (prize for preschool, gr. 1-3, gr. 4-6, secondary) àStudent Council members will go by each classroom to hand out drawings (to be done at home)
  • Guess how-many-candies-jar (50¢ per ticket) àavailable at the library


*Make sure to have a protractor and compass for math class.


In case of important matter, contact me at Emails are easier than phone calls.



Morning Remedial 8:00-8:55

Come for 8:00 sharp so we have a good chunk of time to get things done!

Georgie Productions?


-Period 1



-Period 2

Geordie Productions

Ms. Brandi in


-Period 3

English Language Arts

Finish reading comprehension test on Jacqueline Gareau


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Green Team meeting


-Period 4


Ms. Nanni in

-You will write the term 1 situation problem soon (make your memory aid; maximum 2 pages)

Theme 2

Learn about it: Division

-Finish quiz on drawing angles (make sure to have a protractor)

-Work it out (homework): P. A-53 #1 a)-b), P. A-54 #3 a), #4 a), P. A-55 #1 and #2


Recess: remedial (math test)


-Period 5


Finish theme 1 test

-Work it out (homework): P. A-53 #1 a)-b), P. A-54 #3 a), #4 a), P. A-55 #1 and #2


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


TUESDAY, day 2


-Period 1

English Language Arts

-Brainstorming session (ideas)

-Writing plan


-Period 2

English Language Arts

Ms. Brandi in



Recess: early lunch for runners


-Period 3


Ms. Nanni in

We will correct yesterday’s homework

Learn about it: Different Meanings of Fractions

Work it out (homework): P. A-57 #1 and #2, P. A-58 #3 and #5, P. A-59 #1 and #2


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club


-Period 4

Arts (cycle meeting for me)


Recess: remedial


-Period 5

Mini-snack: -Group reading

Geography, History and Citizenship Education

Chapter 1 : Life in Quebec Around 1905


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.




-Period 1

English Language Arts

Review of capital letters and quotation marks



-Period 2

English Language Arts



Recess : AQJM


-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20


-Period 4


Ms. Nanni in

We will correct yesterday’s homework


 Recess: remedial


-Period 5

Mini snack: -Group reading




*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.




-Period 1


We will correct P. 59

Learn about it: Equivalent Fractions

Work it out (homework): P. A-60 #1, P. A-61 #2 and #3


-Period 2



-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club


-Period 4

Horseback riding for some

English Language Arts

Ms. Nanni in



Recess: remedial

Candy jar guess


-Period 5

Horseback riding for some

Mini-snack: -Group reading

Ethics and Religious Culture

-I will read a story about Remembrance Day

-Day 3 video

-Remembrance Day poster contest


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


FRIDAY, day 5


-Period 1

English Language Arts

-Narrative (due early next week)


-Period 2

English Language Arts


-If time: Lesson on apostrophes


Recess : Detention for missing test signatures


-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Student council meeting in the gym (Halloween decorations)


-Period 4


Ms. Nanni in

-We will correct yesterday’s homework

-Lesson on percentages

-Math bingo

-Math activity on prime and composite numbers

-If time, handout on fractions


-Learn about it: Reducing a Fraction to its Simplest Form

-Work it out (homework): P. A-62 #1 a)-d), #2, P. A-63 #3 a) and c), P. A-64

-Exit ticket: draw a reflex angle


Recess: remedial

Candy jar guess


-Period 5

Mini snack: -Group reading

Geography, History and Citizenship Education

Chapter 1 : Life in Quebec Around 1905

2:55 Terry Fox Reward Activity


3:50 Halloween decorations cont’d





shane pulls two large jars out of his locker I’ve been saving these for the right moment he grins at Brad and it’s now the jars are filled with worms I’d wondered why Jackson said we were short shane’s got this look in his eye like a kid at christmas he offers me a jar but i shake my head i’m still eating my apple we walk down the hall the teacher on hall duty isn’t around which is weird madame latour usually patrols the place like a maximum-security prison shane looks at me and like he’s reading my mind goes latour won’t be back for a while -eh, brad brad laughs i dropped some ex-lax in her coffee last class she is how you say beaucoup crappez i follow them to the end of the hall shane doesn’t usually put so much thought into his plans this premeditated stuff is taking him to a whole new level


Egghead, P. 136-137

Essential Planner for the Week of October 17th-21st, 2022

I belong, I learn.


SHS’ Vision and Mission    
Students will attain their personal best in an English environment:   
Students’ responsibilities – P³: Participation, Perseverance and Patience   
Staff and parents’ responsibilities – C³: Caring, Cooperation and Collaboration


Congratulations on your participation in the Terry Fox Run. Visit our school Facebook page to make a donation.


You have until Friday to get the following tests signed: quiz on angle measuring, science test on plants, writing exercise and reading response (Timmerman Was Here).


*Make sure to have a protractor and compass for math class.


In case of important matter, contact me at Emails are easier than phone calls.



8 :00-8 :55 Morning remedial

Come for 8:00 sharp so we have a good chunk of time to get things done!


-Period 1

English Language Arts

Reading comprehension test


-Period 2



-Period 3


Ms. Nanni in (11:15-12:20)

-Theme 1 test on Thursday

-You will write the term 1 situation problem soon (make your memory aid)

-Review A-42 #4 b) A-43 #5 a) and c), A-44 #6 a)-b), #7 b), #8 b)


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Green Team meeting


-Period 4

Terry Fox Run/Walk with residents from the Château Bellevue

Thank you for your participation. Together, we can make a difference.

Wear gym clothes and shoes. Make sure to have your water bottle. Return pledge sheet.


Recess: remedial (suggestion: peace poster)


-Period 5

Mini snack: -Group reading

Ethics and Religious Culture

I will read “What Do You do with a Problem?

Remembrance Day

Hand in your peace poster by Friday. Don’t forget to include your explanations.


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


TUESDAY, day 7


-Period 1



-Period 2



-We will correct yesterday’s homework

-Homework: Review A-45 #9 triangles A, B, C, D, E, #10 a)-c), #11, #12 (to be continued on P. A-46), A-46 #12, #13, Problem Solving A-48 and A-49


-Period 3

Immaculée Conception students here (11 :10-12 :20)

Early lunch around 12:00

Ms. Nanni in (11:15-12:20)


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club


-Period 4


-Make sure to have a jar for the experiment

-New topic


Recess: remedial (suggestion: peace poster)


-Period 5

Mini snack: -Group reading

Geography, History and Citizenship Education

Chapter 1 : Life in Quebec Around 1905


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.




-Period 1

English Language Arts

Response with a partner


-Period 2

English Language Arts

Ms. Nanni in

Review of capital letters and quotation marks

Vocabulary building


Recess : AQJM


-Period 3

Arts (cycle meeting for me)


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20


-Period 4


-We will correct yesterday’s homework

-Quiz on drawing angles (make sure to have a protractor)


Recess: remedial (suggestion: peace poster)


-Period 5



*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.




-Period 1



-Period 2


Theme 1 test (you need a protractor, compass and ruler)


Recess: early lunch for runners


-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club


-Period 4

Horseback riding for some

English Language Arts

Ms. Nanni in (1:35-2:35)

-Animal idioms, irregular verbs and frequently confused words

-Sentence fluency

Groups will switch halfway through the period


Recess: remedial (suggestion: peace poster) and detention for missing test signatures


-Period 5

Horseback riding for some

Mini snack: -Group reading


New topic


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


FRIDAY, day 2

Hand in your peace poster.



A special thank you to Hélène Bélanger, naturalist, l’Association forestière de la Vallée du St-Maurice for their financial contribution, Guylaine Baril, Abra Morin and Francis Trudel for accompanying us.


Please send a cold lunch and a water bottle in a backpack. Wear comfortable gym shoes and clothes for the hike. We are scheduled to go, rain or shine. Dress accordingly.

Essential Planner for the Week of October 10th-14th, 2022

I belong, I learn. #SHSPride


SHS’ Vision and Mission    
Students will attain their personal best in an English environment:   
Students’ responsibilities – P³: Participation, Perseverance and Patience   
Staff and parents’ responsibilities – C³: Caring, Cooperation and Collaboration


Sign test on the Inuit and the Mi’kmaq, word choice assessment and application problem “Dig in Before Diving In” before Friday.


In case of important matter, contact me at Emails are easier than phone calls.



Happy Thanksgiving!


TUESDAY, day 1


-Period 1



-Period 2

English Language Arts

Ms. Brandi in

-Review of capital letters

-Lesson on quotation marks


Recess: early lunch for runners


-Period 3


-We will discuss “Dig in Before Diving In

-We will correct A-33, A-34, A-35, and A-36

-Learn about it: Interpreting data using graphs

-Work it out (homework): P. A-38 and A-39

12:20 Please welcome Ms. Coralie Lauwaët 


Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club


-Period 4


Ms. Nanni in

We will split in two groups (remedial : multiplication and division. If time: divisibility rules).


Recess: remedial


-Period 5


Bring a jar for next week

Review period


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.



8 :00-8 :55 Morning remedial

Come for 8:00 sharp so we have a good chunk of time to get things done!


-Period 1

9:00-9:30 Library visit (you want to pick books that will last you for three weeks)

English Language Arts

Finish response


-Period 2

English Language Arts

Response with a partner


Recess : AQJM


-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20


-Period 4


-We will correct yesterday’s homework

-Making Choices A-40 and A-41

-Theme 1 test next week


Recess: remedial


-Period 5

English Language Arts

Sentence fluency


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


Thursday, day 4


-Period 1

English Language Arts

-Lesson on how to describe a person using descriptive words

-If time: Sentence fluency


-Period 2



Recess: early lunch for runners


-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20

Running Club


-Period 4

Horseback riding for some

Terry Fox Run/Walk with residents from the Château Bellevue (postponed to next Monday)

We will read, discuss and post Terry Fox quotes.

If time: peace poster, science study period and/or math review numbers


Recess: remedial


-Period 5

Horseback riding for some


Ms. Nanni in

We will correct yesterday’s homework

Quiz on angle measuring (make sure to have a protractor)

Review A-42 #1, #2 a), #3 a)-c)


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.


FRIDAY, day 5


-Period 1


Test on plants


-Period 2

Ethics and Religious Culture

Peace poster (last period to work on it; due next week)


-Period 3



Lunch 12 :30-13 :20


-Period 4


Ms. Nanni in

We will correct yesterday’s homework

Quiz on drawing angles (make sure to have a protractor)

Review A-42 #4 b) A-43 #5 a) and c), A-44 #6 a)-b), #7 b), #8 b)A-45 #9 triangles A, B, C, D, E, #10 a)-c), #11, #12 (to be continued on P. A-46), A-46 #12, #13, Problem Solving A-48 and A-49

You will write the term 1 situation problem soon


Recess: remedial


-Period 5

Geography, History and Citizenship Education

We will review the test on the Mi’kmaq and the Inuit.


*Make sure to charge your laptop overnight if your battery is nearly dead.